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holy week 復活節前的一周。

holy writ

In order that the faithful may not thereby be deprived of the sacramental grace of confession or of holy communion for a relatively lengthy period of time , bishop joseph zen , sdb , applying the norms of canons 961 - 962 of the code of canon law , has granted permission for priests to give general sacramental absolution at any weekday or sunday mass during the period from monday of holy week 14 april to the second sunday of easter 27 april inclusive . the rite of general sacramental absolution includes the following 為免教友們在這段頗長的期間,失去告解圣事和圣體圣事的恩寵,陳日君主教按天主教法典961 - 962條的規定,準許司鐸于圣周星期一四月十四日至復活期第二主日四月二十七日兩周內,在任何平日或主日彌撒中,采用集體赦罪圣事儀式,程序包括:

But this was not so easy a matter , for the streets were thronged with people , and rome was already a prey to that low and feverish murmur which precedes all great events ; and at rome there are four great events in every year , - the carnival , holy week , corpus christi , and the feast of st . peter 但這可不是一件容易的事,因為街上擠滿了人,到處都已充滿了粗鄙狂熱的街談巷議,這是羅馬每件大事以前常有的現象。羅馬每年有四件大事狂歡節,復活節,圣體瞻禮節和圣彼得節。

They should be encouraged to read books including the bible , kung kao po and spiritual books , to take part in activities of christian formation organized by different groups , to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life of the parish , especially in the liturgy of lent and the holy week 應培養慕道者閱讀書籍包括圣經公教報及靈修書籍參加不同團體舉辦的信仰培育活動參加堂區禮儀生活的習慣,特別是四旬期和圣周的禮儀。

The truth was , that the anticipated pleasures of the carnival , with the “ holy week “ that was to succeed it , so filled every fair breast , as to prevent the least attention being bestowed even on the business of the stage 實際上,這些美人兒的心里都在惦記著狂歡節和接著來的復活節的種種歡樂,所以再也分不出心來注意舞臺上的演出,演員們在臺上進進出出,沒有人去看,也沒有人想到他們。

So in the holy week they made an appointment . they came . father , mother , very familiar friends in this church 于是他們在復活節那天約了我,他們來了,父母都是這教會的老朋友。

He week mentioned below is called holy week because we celebrate the passion and the resurrection of 這星期我們稱為圣周holy week ,我們慶祝主耶穌基督的受難與復活。

A lot of the faithful desire to go to confession and receive holy communion during holy week (甲)很多教友期望能于禮儀年的高? ,即圣周禮儀期間,辦告解和領圣體。

A a lot of the faithful desire to go to confession and receive holy communion during holy week 甲很多教友期望能于禮儀年的高? ,即圣周禮儀期間,辦告解和領圣體。

5 . 5 the diocesan liturgy commission will issue detailed guidelines for the holy week liturgy in due course 5 . 5教區禮儀委員會將提供詳細的圣周禮儀指引。

5 . provisional arrangements for holy week 2003 5 .今年的圣周禮儀

It means that you don ' t eat meat during holy week , chente 它的意思就是在圣周期間不可食肉,程特